We the Kings


Pay attention to this band We the Kings from Bradenton Florida whose cd is coming out on October 2nd.  Make no mistake their song Check Yes Juliet is a hit.  Take a listen when you can.  I watched the other band’s merch guy walk around humming it after the sound check and he’s heard it a lot more times than I have. Check out their video for Skyway Avenue on their my space.   Britt and Allison interviewed them at the Culture Room and the interview will be out shortly.

Free Downloads for The Receiving End of Sirens and Envy on the Coast till 9-14

Get free downloads for Envy on the Coast and The Receiving End of Sirens here.

From the NY Post 9-12-07

Envy on the Coast, “Sugar Skulls”

Like other popular bands hailing from the Strong Island alternative music scene, the Long Island quintet’s debut album, “Lucy Gray,” is heavy with dramatic, emotive and aggressive music. The lead single’s driving instrumentals are complemented by choruses built for screaming along to, as well as soft midsong breakdowns.

Buy cd here

The Receiving End of Sirens, “Smoke and Mirrors”

The experimental band from Boston has taken astronomer Johannes Kepler’s “Third Law of Planetary Motion” and run with it. Their sophomore album, “The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi,” explores themes of misery and famine, and this track lands squarely in the former category, being about mental and physical emptiness. Plus, it’s got a bridge that’s both eerie and lovely.

Buy Cd here