Want to win a copy of The Hives new album Black and White on 7″? Be cool and have what no one else does……
Send us an email to info at therockstarstories dot com and we will enter you to win. Winners announced on December 10th!
Good luck!
April 25-27 Swept Away TV-The Rock Star Stories
We will be collecting cds, dvds and other necessities for the soldiers stationed overseas. We will pack and ship the boxes to servicemen and women who are part of the Forgotten Soldiers Program. Servicemen and women need basic toiletries like tooth brushes, tooth paste, tuna in plastic packs, combs and shampoo. We will also ship them a sampling of new music that they can enjoy! The last time we did this project, we received so many photos and letters from the soldiers in Iraq telling us how much they appreciate the items and our support.If you have items that you want to contribute before April 25, send us an email and we’ll give you the address where to send the items. CD samplers are greatly appreciated due to their size and weight!
Thanks to everyone who came and helped. If you are interested in joining The Rock Star Stories send us an email and we’ll get you started. We are in need of Fort Lauderdale, West Palm and Miami based cast and crew who want to do interviews in those areas. Send your email to info (at) the rock star stories (dot) com.
Reel Big Fish Press Conference at FAU Boca Raton Campus in the University Center. Enter into the campus from Glades Rd just east of I95. Turn left at the fork in the road. The University Center will be on your right. Watch where you park so you don’t get a ticket! The location of the press conference will probably be the VIP ROOM near the stage but we will post it on the door.
Time: 3:45pm
See You then!