Got extra time during Winter Break? Check out these books from Orange Avenue
Orange Avenue is also having a cover design contest for an upcoming book on the
environment for teens: 47 Things Teens Can Do For The Environment. Click
for that info!
Reviews by Alison Sikes-The Rock Star Stories
Where’s My Stuff?
If you are like most teenagers, you have so much to do that it seems the world caving in. Grades, college applications, extracurricular activities, and even socializing are conflicts among one another. Where’s My Stuff? attempts to fix all of your worries. Where’s My Stuff? is a handbook on how to manage your time appropriately, stay organized, and conquer the clutter in your room. From finding the right backpack to backing up technology files, Where’s My Stuff? addresses every possible issue regarding the busy life of a teenager and tells you how to fix it.
The Date Book
The Date Book is a guide on how to date, what to do in every kind of date scenarios and how to ask the guy you want out on a date. Before you begin to read the book, you need to take The Date Book‘s test to see what kind of dater you are and from there, the information is endless. Erika Stalder, the author of The Date Book, uses frank and contemporary writing that makes this book not only helpful but also entertaining. Whether you are a “group dater” or a “solo dater,” The Date Book can help solve all your woes.
Who knew that those old, grungy pair of jeans you had in the back of your closet could be made into a placemat! Jeaneology gives its readers tons of ways to refurbish jeans into different creations. Ever wanted to make a pair of daisy duke shorts or a jean mini? Jeaneology teaches you how. Other projects include flowers, wallets, book covers, eve sandals! Jeaneology possibilities are endless.
97 Things To Do Before You Finish High School
There are tons books devoted to lists of things “you should do…” but none of them ever apply to teenagers. 97 Things To Do Before You Finish High School is the seemingly first of its kind to list activities that all high schoolers should accomplish by graduation. All 97 activities are categorized in nine groupings, some of them being “Because you’re young only once” and “Because you should.” Things to do include throwing a house party and building a bonfire. The best part about 97 Things To Do Before You Finish High School is that it tells you how to do the activities presented. 97 Things is fun book to own, no matter which age you are.