Meet the new Twittern: A college grad paid to send tweets on twitter.
Twitterns, interns who are paid to send tweets for companies, have become very popular these days. You could send out your resume stating your expertise is in the area of “tweets”! There’s Charlotte Barker, a recent graduate of the Loyalist College Advertising Program in Belleville, Ontario. They Integrated, Inc., a marketing and advertising firm, will pay Barker to send tweets all summer long as a Social Media Coordinator.
Which companies could use your assistance in tweeting this summer?
With the box office success of her latest flick, Obsessed, Beyoncé Knowles proves that there is nothing she cannot accomplish. Deemed as this year’s Fatal Attraction, Obsessed tells the story of Derek Charles (ldris Elba), a recently promoted asset manager, and his perfect life with wife Sharron (Beyoncé). When a seductive temp named Lisa (Ali Larter) begins working at Derek’s firm, his perfect life is thrown into chaos. What begins as harmless flirting turns into dangerous stalking when Lisa becomes obsessed with Derek. After Lisa attempts suicide and tries to steal the Charles’ baby, it’s up to Sharron, the not-so-typical housewife, to take care of Lisa once and for all.