By Ben Pawliger and Laura Saker
Editing by Chandler Kravitz.
Many thanks to Nancy Stewart and Greg Blount for media credentials to the festival.
Muchos gracias to the band Pepper!
Yearly Archives: 2013
Pepper Interview Delray Beach Garlic Festival 2-9-2013
Delray Beach Garlic Festival-Lifehouse
Thank you to Nancy Stewart Franczak Executive Director Festival Mgt. Group
and Greg Blount Soundtree Entertainment for all their help in arranging this terrific experience for our cast members.
Cast members: Chandler Kravitz, William Tillman, Ben Pawliger, Madeleine Omlang,Sarah Pruzansky. Great job everyone!
In Flames w/ Kelsey Janser
Gabby Wild: A former Swept Away TV cast member
Gabby’s a vet student at Cornell and an animal activist.