Category Archives: cast members

Jungle Rot, Within the Ruins, OTEP and Destrophy

by Shai Cohen

The music video medley that I just reviewed was a very hard metal/ screemo type of music. I, being a Hip Hop and R&B fan, didn’t very much enjoy this music. The compilation that I listened/ saw had the artists Jungle Rot, Within the Ruins, OTEP, and Destrophy.  If I was a heavy metal, loud yelling, and heavy guitar riffs type of person I think that I would have definitely enjoyed this mix. I cannot imagine going to a concert like this because by the time I got out, I would probably be deaf.  I additionally would be bored because I can’t stand to hear the same beat over and over again. 

Music Reviews

These Hearts “Apology Rejected” music review

by Kelsey Janser

These Hearts is self-described popcore band. Popcore is a genre that has recently emerged and blends pop with hardcore/punk rock. In fact, the song contains a pop melody well matched to the lead singer’s pleasant voice that is occasionally interrupted with bursts of screams. The lyrics are hard to hear due to the style of the song, but if read by themselves, are beautifully written and full of meaning. The periodic outbursts were off-putting to me, but may not be for those who accept and enjoy all aspects of this genre.

Close Your Eyes “Digging Graves” music review

Close Your Eyes is a melodic hardcore/Christian hardcore band whose songs often contain the theme of faith. Although the lyrics and music video of this song are not overtly Christian, the message expresses a desire for earthly harmony and good will. While I enjoyed the song, the music video did not enhance the overall experience, nor did it seem to support the lyrics’ message. The music, however, was absolutely worth listening to and motivates me to hear more from this band in the future.

Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus “Dragons” Now at AAA in MIami

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It’s the year of the dragon at the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus this year but Zac and Ashley had the experience of a lifetime spending the morning with Alexander Lacey and his “big cats”. Alexander is the trainer of the big cats and it’s a position he inherited from his Mother and Father who also trained big cats.


The big cat show consists of tigers, lionesses,and a regal lion named Mufasa who has a lazy streak. Alexander explained that the big cats are bred carefully and live a much longer life with the circus than they would live in the wild. They are capable of killing an antelope with one paw but are very smart and trainable. They are rewarded for their performance with meat on the end of a stick and respond by roaring or loudly meowing. One of the lionesses lay down and allowed Alexander to scratch her belly.



The Circus will be performing at the American Airlines Arena starting on January 17th and ends up on the 21st. Tickets are available here.