Category Archives: lifestyle

Auditions for America’s Best Dance Crew Coming Up



American Best Dance Crew is back for another season! You’ve seen what it takes to be the best.

Can you top the JabbaWockeez, fly like Super Cr3w, trick like Quest and freak the beat like the Beat Freak?

Auditions will be held:

Los Angeles – June 6th

Chicago – June 9th

Orlando – June 11

New York – June 13

Contact  Lisette Pinon  to get on the audition list!

Send your contact name, phone number, email address, and myspace url to

For more information:



Here’s a new career path for you!

Meet the new Twittern: A college grad paid to send tweets on twitter.

Twitterns, interns who are paid to send tweets for companies, have become very popular these days. You could send out your resume stating your expertise is in the area of “tweets”! There’s Charlotte Barker, a recent graduate of the Loyalist College Advertising Program in Belleville, Ontario. They Integrated, Inc., a marketing and advertising firm, will pay Barker to send tweets all summer long as a Social Media Coordinator.

Which companies could use your assistance in tweeting this summer?

via They Inspire Blog

Volunteer ‘Cause Summer Jobs Are Scarce!

Via LA Times

Rough summer job search ahead for teens

Teenagers may want to consider just volunteering this summer; recent research suggests that the job market for the 16- to 19-year-old crowd could be the tightest since the 1950s.

For possibly the first time since 1954, fewer than 1 million teens will find summer jobs, the Chicago-based outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. said today.

As discretionary spending plunges, the retail and restaurant jobs that are typically filled by teens are being eliminated, according to Challenger. Even the number of internships and lifeguard positions is thinning as teens compete with a larger pool of more experienced applicants who are desperate for jobs and willing to take a pay cut.

As a result, out-of-work teens are less likely to spend their summers dropping money on clothes, music or entertainment, especially because their cash-strapped parents are now less inclined to give handouts.

Teen employment has been declining for several years already. Between May and July 2008, 1.2 million teens joined the workforce, compared with the 1.6 million who found jobs in the summer of 2007, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As of March 31, 4.7 million teens were employed, compared with the 5.3 million working at that point last year. Granted, fewer teens have been looking for work in recent years. In 2006, 44% were searching or working, down from 52% in June 2000.

— Tiffany Hsu LA TIMES

Work for Diddy


Work for PDiddy!

VH1 and Sean P. Diddy Combs are now accepting resumes for potential candidates to compete for the position of P.Diddy’s Personal Assistant on the reality TV show, “I WANT TO WORK FOR DIDDY 2.” Diddy will once again hold a nationwide search for an Assistant with the mental and physical stamina it takes to work for one of the world’s most high profile CEOs. If you think you have what it takes to be P.Diddy’s Assistant, then we want to hear from you.

  Applicants must be 21 or older by June 2009. Must have a “WHATEVER IT TAKES” attitude. You’ll need a big personality to stand out amongst the other candidates. You must be available and on-call 24/7. You must be able to cater to the BAD BOY Chairman of the Board, P.Diddy. Characters welcome.

In order to submit yourself as a potential cast member please go to