Category Archives: lifestyle

Paws4You Rescue!


Zac was the guest dj at the Paws4You/Walmart Halloween Doggie Fashion Show in Miami this weekend.

If you want to add some love to your family, check out Paws4You here!   The dogs were so cute dressed up in their Halloween costumes courtesy of Walmart.     They rescue dogs from Animal Control and save them from being euthanized.  Paws4You finds them great homes and makes everyone happy

. img_0471.jpg

Also watching the show were the stars of Despierta América,  the number one morning show in Spanish television.  The hosts of the show were also  joined by their sidekick and show dog mascot Cosita and one of her puppies.  Cosita came with her own personal trainer.  Such a life!!!

Free Disney Admission on your Birthday in 09!


Free  Admission on Your
Birthday !  Register now.

Since birthdays are the one celebration we all share, Walt Disney World is offering free admission on your birthday during 2009 to one of the Theme Parks of Walt Disney World® or Disneyland® Resorts*!

I think that’s a first the Disney parks giving away free admission for ANYTHING!

Wonder What’s On Michael Phelps IPOD?


We keep seeing swimmer Michael Phelps with his earphones from his IPOD on before every race.  Wonder what he’s listening to?

Yahoo Sports tells us:

Phelps listens to hip-hop music on his ipod. He says it helps motivate him before a race.

While his pre-race tracklist varies, Phelps has said that “I’m Me” by Lil’ Wayne has been on his playlist in Beijing. The track, off Weezy’s EP “The Leak” features the line:

Yes I am the best/and no I ain’t positive I’m definite/I know the game like I’m reffing it

Other artists that populate Phelps’ iPod include: Jay-Z, Young Jeezy, Eminem and Outkast.  Occasionally, he’ll throw some techno into the mix, but usually keeps things rap-centric. Phelps doesn’t speak much about the specific songs he’s listening to, but he did tell NBC in 2004 that Eminem’s “‘Til I Collapse” was on his most-played list at Athens. In 2005, he created a playlist for the website Rhapsody that included the songs “Roses” by Outkast, “Burn” by Usher, “Overnight Celebrity” by Twista and  “Smile” by G-Unit.

Not exactly my playlist but what works for him……..

via YahooSports