Category Archives: lifestyle
Fright Nights Segment October 15th
We are planning a great segment at Fright Nights at the fairgrounds in West Palm Beach. The date would be Thursday night October 15th which is opening night.
A cast and crew of 5 would be perfect including 2 camera people. Please respond with an email ( including whether or not you have equipment. If you don’t have equipment, you’ll have to pick up and return the cameras in Boca.
Your admission would be free.
Textbook Relief for Florida College Students
Good riddance to the $600 a semester textbook bills!
The board that oversees Florida’s state universities has launched a program that will offer free online textbooks to students; the program makes printed books available as well, for about half the price that students now pay every semester.
The program, called Orange Grove Texts Plus, surveyed students and found that about a third said they were comfortable reading ebook versions of textbooks, while about a quarter said they wouldn’t like it at all. By going digital, they offer a free alternative to low-income students or those who don’t mind off a computer screen, while still offering discount pricing on print versions for everyone else.
The Cam Caddie and the Canon FS100 Camcorder
Welcome Spencer to The Rock Star Stories Team. Shown here on the tour bus at Cruefest. Spencer is shown here shooting with a Cam caddie, a handy gadget that puts a “canon xl1 grip” on a small camera. This has shown to be invaluable in capturing the shot in a tight place while still allowing the steadiness of a larger camera.
If you get lucky enough to get a camcorder for a birthday or holiday present and are working on a tight budget, we heartily recommend the Canon FS100 which can be purchased as a refurbished model (without SD card) at Tiger Direct/CompUSA for$199. It shoots on SD card, no tapes and imports easily into many editing programs including Imovie9. It has the all important external mic port which is not found in many low cost cameras and is essential for interviews.
We don’t get a cut from this or anything. We’re only passing along a money saving tip so no one get stuck with those camcorders that use those small DVDs which are good for nothing!!! Take it from experience we’ve seen enough disasters with those.
The Cam Caddie and the Canon FS100 Camcorder
Welcome Spencer to The Rock Star Stories Team. Shown here on the tour bus at Cruefest. Spencer is shown here shooting with a Cam caddie, a handy gadget that puts a “canon xl1 grip” on a small camera. This has shown to be invaluable in capturing the shot in a tight place while still allowing the steadiness of a larger camera.
If you get lucky enough to get a camcorder for a birthday or holiday present and are working on a tight budget, we heartily recommend the Canon FS100 which can be purchased as a refurbished model (without SD card) at Tiger Direct/CompUSA for$199. It shoots on SD card, no tapes and imports easily into many editing programs including Imovie9. It has the all important external mic port which is not found in many low cost cameras and is essential for interviews.
We don’t get a cut from this or anything. We’re only passing along a money saving tip so no one get stuck with those camcorders that use those small DVDs which are good for nothing!!! Take it from experience we’ve seen enough disasters with those.