Check here for a list of resources to get involved in the election process online. Use your online skills and make a difference in your favorite candidate’s campaign. Also good for the papers you know you’ll have to write this Fall.
Category Archives: social networking
20 Innovations that have Changed the College Experience
You’ll like this list and check the article out here (From College\
2. Multi-Player Online Gaming (XBox live anyone)
3. Digital Video Compression (youtube, myspace videos)
4. Skype (Free calling)
5. Google and Google Search
6. The Internet
7. Textbook Cds and DVDS
8. The Ipod
9. File Sharing Online
10. The Laptop
11. Printers in color and high resolution
12. Text messaging on your cell phone
13. Touch Screens
14. Online classes
15. web applications like aim1
16. wifi
17. Mini coffee-making machines and Starbucks on campus
18. Energy drinks like Redbull
19. MySpace and Facebook
20. Tivo
Music for Your Facebook Profile
Check out this mashable collection of additions for your facebook profile. Show off the music you like. My favorite is the LastFM widget that lets you share your playlist with your friends. You can find that one here.
My SPACE Tour with Say Anything and Hellogoodbye Coming Up!
The MySpace Music Tour will kick off Oct. 16 in Seattle, WA and will wrap in Las Vegas Thanksgiving weekend. Pre-sale tickets will be available for purchase exclusively on MySpace for MySpace members only beginning Aug. 31. Ticket sales for the general public will begin on Sept. 6.
The tour will be co-headlined by Hellogoodbye and Say Anything. Should be amazing..
Student Press Conferences
Here’s your chance to impress Rolling Stone or Billboard, just kidding. Interview Boys Like Girls and All Time Low!!! All Student Journalists-College or High School are invited to our Press Conference on October 7th at Revolution 100 SW 3rd Ave Fort Lauderdale from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Send us an email at for your invitation. Limited to the first 75 journalists so get your invite now.