The Love Guru didn’t find a lot of love at the box office. It came in 4th.
Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Media By Numbers LLC. Final figures will be released Monday. (via AOL)
1. “Get Smart,” $39.2 million.
2. “Kung Fu Panda,” $21.7 million.
3. “The Incredible Hulk,” $21.6 million.
4. “The Love Guru,” $14 million.
5. “The Happening,” $10 million.
6. “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” $8.4 million.
7. “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan,” $7.2 million.
8. “Sex and the City,” $6.5 million.
9. “Iron Man,” $4 million.
10. “The Strangers,” $1.9 million.