The Museum is located in the Arts & Science District, across from Riverwalk’s Esplanade Park and the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Fort Lauderdale. It is across the parking lot from Revolution.
Take I-95 north (from Miami) or south (from Palm Beach) to Broward Boulvard.
Drive east to SW Fifth Avenue (Commodore Brook avenue).
Turn right.
The Museum will be on the left and Science garage on your right. You will need to be on time at 3:15 as only the first 60 people are going to be able to attend as that is the room regulations from the Museum.
If you can’t attend, you can watch live on LoonaticTv starting at 3:15pm. Go to the website at click on the “live” button. You can go to Stickam.com and ask questions of the bands via the website. First up is Every Avenue, then Mayday Parade, The Maine and All Time Low is last. All band information is always liable to change at the last minute but if you have attened Press Corps Events before, you already know that!