SIGN UP DATE FOR 2009-2010
We have gotten so many calls about joining The Rock Star Stories in the Fall that we have already booked our sing up meeting!
Date: August 13th
Time: 7-8pm
Place: The Boca Raton Library Conference Room map 1501 NW Spanish River Blvd. It located near the FAU Boca Raton and PBCC campus entrance.
Who: Prospective interns and cast members who are age 15 through college age with an interest in:
1. filming and have access to cameras (not required)
2. editors who like to film and edit their own segments about music, sports, video games, movies.
3. writers who want to write reviews for the website.
4. interns who can work one afternoon per week on various tasks-reviewing, editing, writing etc. Located in Boca Raton near Spanish River High School.
5. web site designers
6. interested in marketing and public relations projects
7. interested in creating and running a community service project for the 2009-2010 school year.
All crew members and interns will receive community service hours and internship credit if earned.
For more info send us an email info (at) the rock stars
Hope to see you in August!