That;s right, we have an exclusive Jonas Bros prize thanks to our friends at Universal Music!
To celebrate the release of the Jonas brothers 3-D movie, we have an exclusive glossy photo hand autographed by the Brothers themselves.

You can win this valuable gem by sending us an email to info (at) the rock star and telling us what the name of the movie is and if you went to see it yet.
One email will be chosen at random. The photo will be awarded on March 31 and mailed to the winner.

The Jonas brothers have an new album coming out on Tuesday and Hollywood Records has given us some amazing swag, that is if you are a JB fan.
We have 2 big foam mounted posters which are copies of the new album cover. They are exclusive promos direct from the record label and you can’t buy them in any store.
Send us an email to info (at) and tell us which Jonas Brother is your favorite and why! Include your address so we can send you the poster if you win. Winners will be chosen on 9-15.
youth created music and pop culture television