Tag Archives: movies boca raton
20 Innovations that have Changed the College Experience
You’ll like this list and check the article out here (From College Happenings.com)\
2. Multi-Player Online Gaming (XBox live anyone)
3. Digital Video Compression (youtube, myspace videos)
4. Skype (Free calling)
5. Google and Google Search
6. The Internet
7. Textbook Cds and DVDS
8. The Ipod
9. File Sharing Online
10. The Laptop
11. Printers in color and high resolution
12. Text messaging on your cell phone
13. Touch Screens
14. Online classes
15. web applications like aim1
16. wifi
17. Mini coffee-making machines and Starbucks on campus
18. Energy drinks like Redbull
19. MySpace and Facebook
20. Tivo
“Do You Feel” Evokes Emotion-A Review of The Rocket Summer’s New CD
Do You Feel evokes emotion
By Alison Sikes
In today’s age, music is defined as synthesizers, mediocre vocals, and lyrics concerning sex and violence. Image is the determining factor of how famous you will be rather than actual talent. The Rocket Summer is attempting to break this norm with his first major label release Do You Feel. Bryce Avary, creator and frontman of the Rocket Summer, writes, composes, and plays all of his music. Avary is triple threat in the truest sense and his latest album only proves that in the end talented musicians will prevail.
Do You Feel is everything an album should be. Every song is mix of different genres of music and yet each song is as fantastic as the rest. The timbre in Avary’s voice is a unique blend of rasp and energy that only add to the integrity of each song. Do You Feel starts off strong with “Break It Out,” a song about breaking the mold and monotony of life. After hearing the first note of “Break It Out,” you become intoxicated with the catchiness of this song. The Rocket Summer’s first released track off of Do You Feel is “So Much Love,” an upbeat ode to being inspired by love. Avary’s use of horns, piano, and earnest lyrics elevate the song to a new level by causing the listener to feel a heart-warming sensation of endearment.
The title track of the album “Do You Feel” uses an intelligent method by interjecting a steady guitar line with different tempos of drums to mimic the emotional changes of the song. About facing the truth and fighting for what we believe in, “Do You Feel” begins at more of a confused pace that compliments Avary’s questioning lyrics about life and then suddenly, the music changes to blissful pace to express lucidity of the lyrics. “Do You Feel” is a track everyone can relate to and enjoy.
The Rocket Summer is the artist that will bring quality music back into the mainstream. His music causes you to emotionally respond. His music makes you feel. The Rocket Summer’s Do You Feel is one of the best records of the year.