Tag Archives: movies boca raton
William Beckett 2004 The Academy Is
We just got finished editing a great new interview with William Beckett of The Academy Is and found this little gem of a performance back in 2004 at The Factory in Fort Lauderdale which is no longer there.
We the Kings
Pay attention to this band We the Kings from Bradenton Florida whose cd is coming out on October 2nd. Make no mistake their song Check Yes Juliet is a hit. Take a listen when you can. I watched the other band’s merch guy walk around humming it after the sound check and he’s heard it a lot more times than I have. Check out their video for Skyway Avenue on their my space. Britt and Allison interviewed them at the Culture Room and the interview will be out shortly.
The Fillmore Miami Beach New Venue!
1700 Washington AvenueMiami Beach, FL 33139 October 31: Fall out Boy, the Plain White Ts, Gym class Heroes and Cute is what We Aim for November 6th: Widespread PanicNovember 7th: Hellogoodbye and Say AnythingNovember 23: Brand New and Thrice For tickets click here:
$10,000 Scholarship for Blogging
Here’s one the college counselor probably never told you about. Pay attention all you talented writers out there. Here’s a $10,000 college scholarship for having the best blog. You can apply here.
If you win, be sure and write and tell us, ok?