Owl City and Carly Rae Jepson “Good Time” Review
Ian Zwick
This song might as well become the national wakeup anthem. Why? Well “good Time” is that kind of song, and there are many reasons why, but first some backstory. Carly Rae Jepson came in 3rd in the hit show Canadian idle, yes she is Canadian. Although after signing with her new record company, she really kicked off her career. You probably know her best from her song “call me maybe” and if you don’t know that song by now, you probably live under a rock someone far away. Owl city was formed by Adam Young and well that’s it. Adam Young formed his electronica band back in 2007. With great success Adam has overcome his Asperger’s, which doesn’t hold him back but influences his music. The song itself is absolutely amazing. The lyrics were spot on and unlike most songs when someone is featured they get a small part of the song to themselves. Not this time, Carly and Adam both take turns on the chorus, and both have strong parts. The music is spot on and fits the feel and mood of the song. That is why “Good Time” by Carly Rae Jepson and Owl City is that kind of song.