Ubiquitous artists All American Rejects, Rhianna, Smash Mouth, Hellogoodbye all have one thing in common, they have shared the stage with Daytona Beach, Florida’s Pop/Rock sensation Orange Avenue.
Sounding unique is one of the most onerous thing a musician has to do. For Derek Anderson (vocals), Glenn Sedita (Keyboards/Piano/Percussion), Chris Yetter (Guitar), Sean Sedita (Drums), and Jamie Pohl (Bass), adding their own individual touch is clearly heard through the keyboard and percussion.
Since the release of their first self-titled record (also affectionately called “The Orange Album” by fans) in 2007, the Central Florida based quintet has been pounding the pavement to promote their music on the streets and playing gigs. Following the recent release of their second record, aptly named “Reset,” the band has seen as tremendous amount of success so far by earning recognition by many Central Floridian media publications, selling over an estimated 10,000 copies on their first album, a few singles playing of local Orlando/Daytona radio stations, and were the featured artist of the week on the cable network program MLB Tonight.
Q: What’s the name of your band? Who came up with name? Have you changed the band’s name before?
A: Orange Avenue (Derek Anderson (Vocals), Glenn Sedita (Keyboard/Percussion), Chris Yetter (Guitar), Sean Sedita (Drums), and Jamie Pohl (Bass)– We came up with the name because we used to practice on a street called Orange Avenue in Daytona Beach. The location of the street was not in the best of neighborhoods. The name gave us inspiration to get out, but it also reminds us where our band started.
Q: Who are your major influences?
A: Our major influences are Radiohead, Coldplay, The Kinks, The Beatles and The Hello People (Our (Sean and Glen), father Bobby Sedita was in The Hello People).
Q: How long have you guys known each other? How did you all meet?
A: We have known each other for about 10 years. However it wasn’t until 6 years of us knowing each other that we formed Orange Avenue (2006). Other than Glen and Sean being brothers we all knew of each other through different bands in the area.
Q: What inspired you to make music together?
A: Everyone had the same goal and we all respected each other’s musicianship.
Q: All musicians have their “go to” instrument. What can you tell me about your instruments? (i.e., Are you subject to brand loyalty? What attracted you to the instruments you have now?
A: Derek – I like Shure mics. I have been singing all my life.
Glenn – For keyboards/percussion I don’t really have brand loyalty its whatever sounds best.
Chris – I like to feel out which guitar sounds best for the specific song.
Sean – I like playing DW drums because of the quality.
Jamie – Like Glen and Chris I like to just feel out whatever sounds best.
Q: Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Any major touring coming soon?
A: We have performed all up and down the East Coast. Our favorite venue is any venue that we have a possibility of gaining a fan. As far as major touring we just signed a new deal with the indie label Lovelamp Records and Michele & Group, Inc. Talent Agency. Be on the lookout for a big push of our new “RESET” (EP) and the single “Just Refrain” that we just finished shooting a video for. You can check out the video and info at “http://www.orangeavenuemusic.com” www.orangeavenuemusic.com
Q: Do you ever play any cover songs?
A: We like to put some covers in the set list but rearrange the cover songs to our own style.
Q: What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics will change over time?
A: We would say the most common theme in our songs is relationship driven. For instance, our single “Just Refrain” is about a relationship between a girl and a guy and what the guy feels when his girlfriend goes out with her friends. She isn’t picking up her phone so the guy starts to go crazy. The message that is conveyed in the chorus though is to “Just Refrain” from saying what you want to her because in time she will come around just like she did before. It boils down to not letting your emotions and imagination get the best of you.
We write what we are feeling or what we are going through at that point in time in our life, so yes the topics will change over time.
Q: How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together?
A: When you form a band it’s like starting a new family. Even though we knew each other we had never performed together. In the beginning stages it was definitely awkward and things felt a little off, but over time things have really gelled together and now we feel the “RESET” (EP) is some of the best stuff that we have written.
Q: What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?
A: Our biggest challenge is not letting outside influences effect us internally. It is also a struggle being on the road financially wise. What we try to do as a band is to just focus on the music. Since signing the deal with Lovelamp Records and Michele & Group, Inc. Talent Agency we feel that we have a good team around us that will take care of all other aspects and if we do our job musically everything will fall into place.
Q: What’s your ultimate goal as a band?
A: That’s simple we want a Grammy Award and for our fans to enjoy our music.
Q: How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Itunes, Demo or CD available at shows?
A: For all our “little oranges” out there. No we are joking. We just saw how Lady Gaga calls her fans “little monsters”. Anyway you can access our music at HYPERLINK “http://www.orangeavenuemusic.com” www.orangeavenuemusic.com where you will find our new video for “Just Refrain”, links to our myspace, facebook, twitter, reverbnation and youtube accounts. We also have links on the website for street team, booking, merch, iTunes, and up-coming tour dates. Keep checking in on the website though because a new one is in the works.
Q: What are some websites future fans can access more information about you?
A: We pretty much summed this question up on our last answer. Saying it twice can’t hurt. HYPERLINK “http://www.orangeavenuemusic.com” www.orangeavenuemusic.com. Come check us out!!! New CD “RESET” (EP) and video for our single “Just Refrain”. Thank you Swept Away Tv and Rock Star Stories for your time.