Nate Moore Urban Scholarship Program for Graduating Seniors
4 year Scholarships ($2500 a year for 4 years)
Miami Dade or Broward County Schools
Financial need , 2.0 average and commitment to community service.
Check out or 305-770-0995 or email

Swept Away Media and Live Nation present:
Student Press Conference with New Found Glory and Never Shout Never (more acts TBA)
Friday November 27th at the Pompano Beach Amphitheater
Time: estimated at 4pm
Open to all student journalists in Florida including those home on break for Thanksgiving.
DOES NOT INCLUDE TICKETS FOR THE SHOW. Tickets can be purchased here.
We’re so excited. To make your reservation contact us at but don’t delay!

We could use some great student movie reviewers in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami areas! Competent writers would be welcomed with open arms. We’d love to have you. Get some experience and see free movies before everyone else does.
Send us an email and we’ll get you started at once.
info (at) the rock star stories (dot) com.

In honor of the U2 remasters, you can send us an email to win one of the following prizes:a Zoo TV DVD, a copy of Unforgettable Fire and a copy of the remastered Joshua Tree.
Send us an email to info (at) and enter to win!
Winners announced on August 1!
youth created music and pop culture television