Now don’t shoot me cause I don’t have all the details but this is just an advance heads-up about some great events coming next month and in April.

First off we are shooting next Saturday February 21st 10:00am at the Florida Renaissance Festival at Quiet Waters Park. We can have a crew of 10 so I still have room for some more cast members who want to be a part of this shoot. Email us info (at) the rock star stories. com.

Sunday March 1 3:00pm -5:30pm At Revolution Fort Lauderdale.
Student press conference with Cute is what we Aim For, Every Avenue and the bands of the Take Action Tour. FREE press conference for all student journalists with invitation. Email us to get one at info (at) the rock star stories (dot) com.

Flogging Molly Press Conference at The Pompano Beach Amphitheater Friday March 6th 3:30pm
Contest to win tickets for the show, more info is coming. The Press Conference is free to all student journalists with invite. Get your invite info (at) the rock star stories (dot) com.

Believers Never Die Part Deux Tour Student Press Conference April 21 Mizner Park Amphitheater Boca Raton, Florida. 3:30-5:30pm
Details are coming but you can RSVP info (at) the rock star stories (dot) com. This will be limited to the first 35 journalists (2 FROM EACH SCHOOL ONLY) who RSVP so get your invite right away! We want to make this fair after all. We’re having a contest to promote the show and you’ll be able to win a pair of tickets. details are coming soon, I promise.