Interview with Christian Jacobs
by Ben Pawliger
Last month, I had a phoned with Christian Jacobs, co-creator of the hit children’s show Yo Gabba Gabba. Christian spoke with me about his influences for the show, his journey, and the influence the show can hopefully have on children around the globe.
“It’s been crazy,” Mr. Jacobs said when asked about what it is like to raise both his kids and his newest child, Yo Gabba Gabba. The show Yo Gabba Gabba is about a DJ, DJ Lance Rock, who with his group of toy friends, go on adventures that incorporate life lessons such as sharing and eating your vegetables. Colorful characters such as Muno, the red cyclops, and Brobee, the little green monster, play, dance, and sing around, all incorporating a great deal of fun.
Yo Gabba Gabba has turned into an international phenomenon, and a pop-culture icon. “It’s pretty emotional” and “It’s truly special” is how Jacobs described the popularity of his creation. Jacobs stated that the creative characters came from his love of drawing and comical creativity, which can explain the colorfulness and extravagance of his characters. Yo Gabba Gabba is more than just a show for today’s infants, but a culture icon for many counter-cultural teenagers.
This is because of what Christian calls the “Psychedelic Vibe” that the show brings, as well as the songs sung by many popular artists, and the bright, eye-popping colors incorporated within the program. Along with his partner, Jacobs sought out to create a fun television program that can both entertain young children and teach today’s infant population life lessons. With the help of colorful characters, adventures, and catchy tunes, it can be said that Jacobs and Schultz have successfully reached their goal. “I’m really psyched about it..It’s really awesome.”
Yo Gabba Gabba Live plays Ft. Lauderdale on 3/23 and 3/24. For tickets