by Diana Ciuca
Haitian Benefit Show at Radio-Active 1/24/10
In the quaint corner of a vinyl-ed up, toned down records store, stood two mics. Unoccupied. It wasn’t long until two ‘punks’ grabbed those mics and started jamming out. Not just singing for the sake of singing, or for commission, or even to attract a crowd. They sang, danced, yelled for charity. Thanks to Radio-Active Records, one of the only venues which allows bands to play shows without charging an entrance free, boxes of caned food and stacks of water bottle packs were gathered for a Haitian Relief Effort.
The show featured a few local bands, mainly playing ska/punk/folk music. Since its a local show, not many people in the crowd were singing along and swaying to the music. That gave them an opportunity to do their own thing, like dance around a bit. Nevertheless, the bands each played a few covers and asked audience members to join in. The lively action of the shows along with energetic band members infused the entire atmosphere with energy. Loud, fun, free… what more could anyone ask for? And you even help out charity and local mom & pop small businesses that are struggling in these rough economic times.
Special light on The Strikeouts!
As on of the bands there, you could say that their range is not so local. With a guitarists who goes to college in Miami, an Argentinian guitarist, a bassist who’s last name is Parisi, and a tenor saxist who’s name is Curtis, The Strikeouts! are definitely a mosaic of diversity that’s also reflected in their music. They describe themselves on their facebook page, the band represents “no frills South Florida Skacore.” Returning from an exhausting tour around Florida from Jacksonville to Orlando and back down to Boca, The Stikeouts! have started doing some professional recordings. Their next show is February 17th, check out their page for more information. If you’re looking to dance and jump around, you better be there.