Juno is the next big thing
By Alison Sikes
Fox Searchlight Pictures is known for producing pop culture phenomena such as Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, and Little Miss Sunshine. Just when we think they have contributed enough to our society, they give us Juno. Juno is an endearing film about a teenager named Juno Macguff who becomes pregnant after her first sexual encounter with her best friend and true love Paulie Bleeker. With the support of her family, Juno decides to give her child up for adoption to the Loring Family.
Juno has already cultivated a strong following with the innumerable rave reviews and award nominations the film has been receiving, and rightfully so. The story of Juno in itself is fantastic. It’s a perfect amalgam of teenage awkwardness, humor, and reality. Sixteen-year-old Juno has to cope with not only being a high school student but a pregnant teenager. If that is not enough, Juno is forced to deal ridicule from her fellow classmates and the side effects of pregnancy, of which she works through with witty remarks. While the plot alone is worthy enough to see, Juno’s cast is what has been causing such uproarious praise.
Jennifer Garner does an incredible job of playing the uptight Vanessa Loring who longs to be a mother and Michael Cera, of Superbad fame, is perfect as the gangly and geeky Paulie Bleeker. But the tour de force performance without a doubt goes to Ellen Page. She brings life to Juno with her perfect comedic timing and wry sense of humor. She tackles her character with such ease that it is hard to believe Juno is not a real person.
Juno, while very funny, touches the subject of teen pregnancy in smart and poignant way. This film is innovative in that it brings light to such a taboo subject and that is why Juno will make a clean sweep during award season.
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