WARNING: Take this review with a grain of salt, as I am not an avid country music listener. Then again, Sons of Sylvia is not just a country band; SOS takes inspiration from pop, rock, and country music. When listening to their CD one readily notices this eclectic approach: SOS sounds as if they are going through an identity crisis, not able to pick one sound to carry through the CD in its entirety.
Bands are often scolded because all of their tracks sound the same. I am doing the opposite. Yes, it is boring when a CD sounds like one 30 minute long song, versus ten three-minute long tracks. But it is confusing when a band makes a CD that sounds like a mix-tape full of ten different bands.. This is SOS’s biggest mistake: making their tracks sound TOO different.
Regardless, SOS has far-reaching Top 40 potential: their 2010 debut albumRevelation peaked at the number two spot on iTunes’ pop albums chart and they preformed their single “Love Left to Lose” (Track 2) on American Idol, as introduced by American Idol alum and country-music superstar Carrie Underwood.
“Love Left to Lose,” their hit single, as preformed on American Idol, a much more ballad-like song with an upbeat twist (it reminds me of Nick Lachey).
“50 Ways,” a much more upbeat and pop-inspired song. Check it out if